"Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration." Thomas Edison

Monday 5 July 2010

First day out in a while.

I've realised that i haven't been blogging much lately mainly due to the fact i haven't done much. I have broken up from college for 12 weeks!! But all i have done so far is work!! So today after a booze filled weekend and still feeling a bit tender i decided to take a trip into Birmingham. I went to the central library to get a book on Amsterdam where i will hopefully be going sometime soon. I also got two books on the royals as it's are summer project so i thought id at least get some research started. After leaving the library i had nothing else i needed to do and didn't fancy going straight home. Then i remembered there was an exhibit at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery i wanted to check out. Retrospective by Steve McCurry is a collection of photos by McCurry depicting his travels around the world. I found them all really interesting and some very powerful. So if you get a chance go and check it out.

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